Toxic Houseplants for your Cat

Toxic Houseplants for your Cat

Cats and houseplants can be an interesting combination. They will either want to taste them, use them as a kitty litter, or even hide in them, but houseplants should be kept away from your feline friends. Houseplants present serious concerns for cat owners because some of our favorite plants are toxic to cats. Certain plants can cause digestive issues and severe poisoning.

To get a better understanding of which plants are safe and which are harmful for your cat it is pertinent to read further.

1. Corn plant (Dracaena Fragrans Massangeana)

This beautiful indoor plant may work wonders for the air quality in your house, but it is unsafe for your cat. If you find that your cat has become depressed, is salivating more than usual, refuses to eat, has dilated pupils, or is vomiting then there is the possibility that your cat is dealing with toxicity issues. To ensure you do not have any further issues, it is wise to remove the toxic corn plant and replace it with safe household plants for cats, such as a spider plant or sword fern.

2. Jade plant (Crassula Ovata)

This plant resembles a succulent because the leaves are thick and waxy. If you find that your cat is depressed, has a slower heart rate, vomiting, or has a wobbly gait to their step then you can almost be certain your loved one has come into contact with the leaves of the jade plant. A safe plant that resembles the jade plant in many ways is called peperomia, or more commonly known as a radiator plant.

3. Poinsettia (Euphorbia Pulcherrima)

This plant is far more common around Christmas time, but it is harmful to your cat. Signs of toxic poisoning consist of irritation to the stomach and mouth as well as vomiting. It is suggested that these plants are only mildly toxic, but you may opt to invest in a plastic poinsettia to ensure you cat stays healthy through the holidays.

4. Tomato plant

If you have a tomato plant on your sun porch or patio, then ensure your cat does not come into contact with it at any point. There are many symptoms that are quite noticeable, such as over-salivating, loss of appetite, drowsiness, weakness, a change in behavior, and central nervous system depression, just to name a few. Therefore, it is pertinent to ensure your cat will not come into contact with your tomato plant.

To ensure your cat stays healthy in your home, it is wise to educate yourself in regards to safe houseplants for cats. There are many plants that are safe and are suitable alternatives. You do not have to sacrifice your love of plants, but rather opt for safe plants that still offer the same benefits and beauty as the ones that are toxic to your cat.