Tips for Managing ADHD Symptoms

Tips for Managing ADHD Symptoms

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition most often diagnosed in children. The disorder leads to behaviour that can include impulsivity, short attention span, restlessness, and extreme activity. This condition will generally will continue through adulthood, but with medication and healthy coping mechanisms the condition is manageable. With ADHD treatments and following an ADHD diet, it is possible for the individual to lead a successful, productive, and fulfilling life using different life management mechanisms.

1. Create a routine

Children and adults with ADHD are able to function better with the creation of routine. The individual needs to know exactly what to do and where to go at any given moment in their day. This can create security and keep the person on track as they continue through the day. When creating a routine, the person needs to include every thing that must be done, including breaks, exercise, and meals. Your days don’t necessarily have to be the same every day, but building a regular morning and bedtime routine will certainly help them gain a sense of control. Include in your daily routine a time to sit down and plan the next day, or even make it a weekly habit.

2. Diet

Certain foods and additives can cause ADHD symptoms to increase. Eating a healthy and well-rounded ADHD diet can prevent certain symptoms. Eat high protein foods to help your body to make and use chemicals in the body that aid in communication. Avoid processed sugars so that you do not get additional energy that can exacerbate the symptoms. Red and yellow dyes can also cause hyperactivity to increase, much like processed sugar, and should also be avoided.

3. Therapy

Adding group or individual therapy to your weekly routine will have many benefits to successfully manage ADHD. Doing so will not only help you develop a higher self-esteem, but can help with other issues, such as depression. Both of these conditions are common in individuals with ADHD. Group therapy can offer additional benefits over individual therapy because it gives you a chance to connect with others who suffer from the same disorder. Knowing that other people face the same struggles can help you to feel included and to give you a chance to learn other healthful coping mechanisms that you may not have known. While individual therapy gives the opportunity to work on personal issues, a group setting can present many benefits.

4. Exercise and sleep

Exercise is important not just for overall health, but because it will burn off extra energy. It doesn’t have to be an extreme workout, but can be something as simple as a 30 minute walk during the day. Exercise will release endorphins that can improve moods and lead to higher production throughout the day. Sleep is another important factor for overall health and treating of symptoms. Should an individual lack sleep it can lead to irritability and forgetfulness, both of which are already increased with ADHD.