Symptoms and Treatment for Feline Diabetes Mellitus
Feline diabetes mellitus is common in aging cats and overweight felines. Akin to diabetes in people, feline diabetes occurs when the pancreas produces inadequate insulin hormone levels so glucose from food is insufficiently broken down for energy. Cats with diabetes may display symptoms such as weight loss, increased thirst, increase in appetite, frequent urination, vomiting, lethargy, and more. If a cat is diagnosed with diabetes, the veterinarian may recommend medication (including insulin shots) as well as several lifestyle changes, including more exercise and a special diet to trigger weight loss.
More detailed treatment of feline diabetes mellitus includes:
1. Insulin shots
The most common method for managing diabetes mellitus in cats. Regular, daily, shots must be taken to ensure the continued health of the cat. It must be done in conjunction with a veterinarian to ensure the proper amount. Like most humans, however, it will require blood tests, urine tests, and physical examinations to ensure success.
2. Weight loss
To ensure diabetes is kept at bay in those with feline obesity, it would be a great idea to place the cat on a diet. As well as that, a regiment of daily exercise must be upheld on a regular basis to ensure success. The most important aspect is that the owner must control the amount of food consumed by the cat. Weight loss may seem the most important, however, it is largely on a case-to-case base. Your veterinarian will aid you in the correct treatment.
3. Exercise
Exercise can be a very important tool to ensure the cat return to a happy, healthy, weight. A perfect method for performing this would be the use of laser pointers to get the cat moving. This will kickstart the cat’s predator drive and get them chasing the red dot that taunts them by never being caught. Another potential method for exercise is to take the cat for a walk on a leash if the cat is trained to do so and is physically able to do so. One final method that can be used is to physically play with the cat, using toys they enjoy playing with and having fun with the cat.
4. Special diet
Perhaps one of the most effective methods of curing diabetes would be to place an overweight cat on a special diet. Much like with humans, it is important to avoid carbs when possible and to have smaller portions than usual. Another point to try and ensure the success of the diet would be to go for foods that are high in protein. One final step that may seem costly but will aid in the process of the diet is to go for canned food, which is usually lower in carbs than that of dry food.