Dietary Tips for Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a medical condition that causes the large intestine, or bowel, and the rectum to become inflamed. Painful ulcers can develop as well. The causes of ulcerative colitis are unknown, but doctors think that genetics and malfunctions in the immune system are primary culprits. Any age group and ethnicity can suffer from this condition, but you are more at risk if there is a family history. Symptoms of this condition include diarrhea, cramping, pain/bleeding from the rectum, tiredness or fever. Inexplicable weight loss and the immediacy to use the bathroom are also symptoms.
Although there is no cure, there are ulcerative colitis treatments, and symptoms can be controlled by many lifestyle changes including colitis diet:
1. Omega 3 fatty acids
Many types of fish are high in omega 3 fatty acids and can help those who suffer the symptoms of UC by reducing inflammation. When experiencing a colitis flare, eating tuna, mackerel, sardines, salmon or herring can help. These acids can also be found in the oil of flaxseed or flaxseed that has been ground up.
2. Lean meat and poultry
During a UC flare, the body loses essential proteins. Eating lean meats and poultry can help the body to recover these proteins to remain healthy. You should focus on eating things like skinless turkey or chicken and red meats where most of the fat has been removed prior to cooking.
3. Eggs
Eggs are a double hitter for UC flare ups. They are a great source of healthy protein for the body, but some eggs can also contain omega 3 fatty acids. They can rejuvenate the body by delivering necessary proteins during flares and also help ease inflammation.
4. Probiotics
Probiotics are natural and helpful bacteria found within foods that can help the body perform proper digestion. Some of these foods include yogurt, miso, and sauerkraut. If you choose to eat yogurt during a UC flare, be sure to choose products with very little sugar. Sugar can actually exacerbate UC symptoms.
5. Low FODMAP diet
FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols. Patients with gastrointestinal issues are often put on such diets to determine the foods that cause UC flares or alleviate symptoms. This diet calls for avoiding food items that contain lactose and artificial sugars that are often hard for the body to digest. These sugars can occur naturally in some foods or they can be added during production. While on this diet, these foods are often eliminated completely and then are eaten in small portions to see which foods irritate the issue.
6. Calcium
Eating foods that are rich in calcium can be helpful as well. UC can cause other health complications, including osteoporosis. Otherwise known as brittle bone disease, calcium intake is essential to combating this complication since it is one of the important necessities for strong bones. Eating foods high in calcium such as leafy greens, beans and tofu, or taking a calcium supplement is a must.
7. Vitamin B12
Foods that are plentiful in vitamin B12 are essential during UC flares. These foods include poultry, red meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Some cereals can be high in vitamin B12 Also. However, if you find your UC symptoms are aggravated by the difficult lactose digestion process, you should avoid dairy products.