Dietary Tips for Bipolar Disorder

Dietary Tips for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a disorder that causes you to have extreme mood swings that almost always includes emotional highs and lows. The mood swings you experience can often lead affect your sleep, judgment, behavior, and overall average mood. Symptoms you may experience and can potentially change with a bipolar disorder diet are extreme happiness and hopefulness, agitation, setting unrealistic goals, and rapid speech.

Fortunately, if you have this disorder, you can also improve the symptoms with certain mood-stabilizing foods in your diet:

1. Fresh fruit

Fruits that contain high amounts of Vitamin B6 helps increase serotonin levels in your brain to help boost your energy throughout the day. Along with the energy from fruits, you will also find yourself in a good mood from being able to accomplish the daily goals you have set for yourself. With bipolar disorder, you should always add to fruit to your diet in the morning, afternoon, and evening for best results.

2. Magnesium-rich foods

By adding magnesium to your diet when you have bipolar, you will be digesting a mood-stabilizer, just like the medication lithium that is normally prescribed for bipolar disorder. By adding magnesium-rich foods to your diet, you will start to decrease your need to take medication for your disorder. Foods that are rich in magnesium that you can eat are pumpkin seeds, wild rice, cashews, wheat, and peanut butter. Keep in mind that it is important to consult with your physician on whether or not eliminating your medication for a magnesium-rich diet is possible in your conditions.

3. Adding chocolate to your diet

Cocoa beans contain mood-enhancing ingredients that can greatly benefit your mood if you happen to have bipolar disorder. In cocoa, there is phenylethylamine which just so happens to help relieve depression symptoms. Studies have shown that if you eat 1-2 ounces of chocolate a day, you will help avoid depression and its unwanted symptoms.

4. Salmon

Salmon is a very beneficial food to add to your diet when you have bipolar disorder as it is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon also contains protein and tyrosine that helps your body create two mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters which are dopamine and norepinephrine. By adding salmon to your diet, you will greatly increase your dopamine level which will help to stabilize your mood with nothing but essential happiness that you have been longing for. Salmon can be eaten raw, cooked, fried, or even dried if you are looking for a tasty treat throughout your day.

5. Tofu

This pure, healthy food is very beneficial to individuals with bipolar disorder as it is low in fat and includes vitamin B6, Vitamin E, protein, and folate. To top it off, tofu can also help you lower your cholesterol levels, which in return helps you to avoid heart disease. When cooking tofu, you can add it to salads, fruit, dinners, and even as an entree if you are looking for a small meal to get through your day.